Sunday, February 15, 2009

Visiting China: no longer a dream but a reality:D

My dream of visiting China is becoming a reality. YEY!!:D i was surprised when my brother told me about it. since, i'm no longer studying at Hope, 黄老师 relayed the message to Lester, at first i was hesitant and didn't care. but then i visited him and he told me all about it and now, i'm ecstatic.. haha..:D i'm so excited for this trip. i have been dreaming of going to China eversince. since it's my roots.. so now i finally have the chance to go and i'm grabbing that opportunity.. haha..

my only dilemma now is my passport.. i still don't have one.. and i'm processing it at the moment.. i hope i'll be able to have one soon.

i'm just sharing my joy..:P

i nedd advices regarding this trip, since i've never ever been on a plane before and i have never gone abroad before.. haha.. hope you'll be able to help me:D

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